Meeting Announcement
The Alaska Commission Judicial Conduct will be holding its next quarterly meeting on Monday, June 30, 2025. This meeting will be held both at the Commission's office and by Zoom, with public participation available via Zoom. Public Session is currently scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m., subject to change, with Closed Session to follow.
Public Session addresses the Commission's budget, educational activities, advisory opinions, and general administrative issues. Public Session does not address specific complaints against judges. An audio recording is available by request after the meeting.
While there will be a set amount of time for the public to address the Commission, anyone wishing to speak at this meeting is requested to notify our office no later than 30 minutes before the start of the meeting to be added to the speaking list. Speakers should tailor their remarks to public matters related to the Commission's function.
Closed Session addresses confidential complaints filed with the Commission and is not open to the general public.
If you wish to appear, or have questions about Commission meetings, you may contact Commission Staff at or (907) 272-1033.
Public Participation in Meeting
Public attendance and participation will be possible during the June 30 Public Session meeting.
The meeting will be open to members of the public to attend via Zoom either telephonically or through the Zoom website or app. Upon calling in, the Zoom system will request that you give your name before allowing you into the meeting. Your name will then be assigned to your phone number so that the Commission members will be aware of who has joined. The host will move you from the waiting room into the meeting once recording has begun. Please allow a few minutes to be virtually admitted and for the meeting to start.
All members of the public will be automatically muted on joining the meeting. If you want to speak, you are requested to notify Commission Staff no later than 30 minutes before the scheduled meeting time, the day of the meeting. Staff can be reached at the above administrator e-mail address before and during the meeting.
30 minutes is reserved at the end of Public Session for speaking requests, with 5 minutes allotted to each public speaker. If you will be speaking to the Commission, you will be un-muted and allowed to address the Commission in the order your request was received. Once Public Session has ended, you will be removed from the meeting and no new members of the public will be added to the meeting.
Zoom Website Address:
Zoom Call-In Number: TBA
Participant ID: #
Zoom Meeting ID: TBA
A Draft Public Session Agenda will be attached for public reference approximately two weeks prior to the meeting. This agenda may be modified before the meeting.
The Public Session materials packet will be attached for public reference approximately two weeks prior to the meeting. This will be the same packet the Commission members receive for this portion of the meeting.
Any additional Public Session Handouts packets will be attached for public reference the evening prior to or the day of the meeting, depending on when materials are received. These packets will be the same Public Session Handouts packets the Commission members receive for this portion of the meeting.
Please note that due to file size, the main packet may take some time to download depending on your Internet connection.
If you have questions about the Commission or their meetings, you may contact Commission Staff via e-mail at or by phone at (907) 272-1033. Regular office hours are Monday-Friday, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. except on state holidays.
If you cannot reach us during normal business hours, please leave a message and staff working outside the office will try to return your call within 1-2 business days.
Updated 18 March 2025